

  • 剧情 
  • Larry Fessenden Dick Russell Michael Buscemi Santo Fazio 
  •   River of Grass has all the elements of a conventional road movie: a car, a gun, criminal plans, an  River of Grass has all the elements of a conventional road movie: a car, a gun, criminal plans, and young lovers on the run from an angry father who also happens to be a suspended police officer. But writer and director Kelly Reichardt has instead taken these familiar elements and fashioned an anti-road movie, a deadpan film that is more existentialist comedy than crime drama. The young lovers in question are Cozy, the cop's daughter, and Lee Ray, a shady character from the wrong end of town. Lee Ray comes into possession of a pistol, and soon he and Cozy find themselves unintentionally involved in a shooting. Fearing capture by the law, the two make plans to leave town, committing a series of robberies on the way. However, they don't manage to get very far; indeed, the film's central premise is how the romantic myth of lovers on the lam proves disappointing in the face of a far more pedestrian reality. This well-received, low-budget indie was shot on location in South Florida, placing its story against an appropriately depressed landscape of sun-bleached strip malls, barren highways and overgrown, swampy fields; the title is another name for the Florida Everglades.
  • 恐怖 
  • Joey Acedo John Anthoni Hank Azcona Bruce Barlow George Barnett Edward Bryant Michael Bustamante Matt Demeritt 普雷米卡·伊顿 Ryan Effner Erica Frank Gregory Frost Timpson Hill Larry Kagen Krista Keim 丽迪雅·马兰洛 Somtow Sucharitkul Tim Sullivan Richard Bonnin Rogan 
  •   僵尸,恶魔,和一个疯狂的医生等候着一车人寻觅阿兹特克遗址。奥沙利文神父是一名天主教神父,他曾经失掉了对上帝的信仰,也无法遗忘曾经和他有过一段婚外情(还有一个儿子)的修女。奥沙利文为考古先生卡尔,新  僵尸,恶魔,和一个疯狂的医生等候着一车人寻觅阿兹特克遗址。奥沙利文神父是一名天主教神父,他曾经失掉了对上帝的信仰,也无法遗忘曾经和他有过一段婚外情(还有一个儿子)的修女。奥沙利文为考古先生卡尔,新时代的威尔伯和克拉利斯·莱明,离家出走的劳里,游客杜佐斯和弗罗斯特在墨西哥巴士游览时期担任导游。更令奥沙利文惊讶的是,当他的爱人泰茜和她的儿子埃文一同上车时。在墨西哥,卡尔泄漏了他对一个重要的现代文本的了解,正好赶上了死亡庆典的日子。与此同时,罪恶的Um-tzec博士正在为自己筹划一场神化,最终化身为死亡之神,而他需求完成的是献祭孩子们的心……很多很多的心。当欧沙利文神父为再次见到泰茜而挣扎的时分,Um-tzec医生走近他停止驱魔;但. .