

  • 喜剧 
  • 彼得·塞勒斯 彼得·奥图尔 罗密·施耐德 卡普西尼 宝拉·普林蒂丝 伍迪·艾伦 乌苏拉·安德丝 埃达·盖尔 卡特琳·沙克 埃莱奥诺雷·希尔特 让·帕雷代 雅克·巴吕坦 杰斯·哈恩 霍华德·沃侬 米歇尔·索博 
  •   彼得·奥图尔饰演古装杂志的编辑,对美女见一个爱一个,令他大感困扰,因此去向心思医生彼得·塞勒斯讨教,不料这个天赋医生比他还疯狂。加上损友伍迪·艾伦又从中搞局,使他跟未婚妻罗密·施奈德之间的关系更形  彼得·奥图尔饰演古装杂志的编辑,对美女见一个爱一个,令他大感困扰,因此去向心思医生彼得·塞勒斯讨教,不料这个天赋医生比他还疯狂。加上损友伍迪·艾伦又从中搞局,使他跟未婚妻罗密·施奈德之间的关系更形混乱。  这部影片由后来成为美国著名导演的伍迪·艾伦编剧,这也是他步入影坛的处女作,他还在其中担纲演出。影片由英国导演克莱夫·唐纳执导。影片以一个情场过于无往不利的男人却又一个劲地想对未婚妻守节这样的荒谬情节,归结了一场两性挖苦喜剧。全片充溢擦抢走火式的笑料,演员均有如热锅上的蚂蚁走来走去,气氛相当繁华。影片由英国著名喜剧演员彼得·塞勒斯出演搞笑医生的角色,而以出演《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》成名的英国影星彼得·奥图...
  • 剧情 
  • 德克·博加德 卡普西尼 吉内瓦维·佩吉 
  •   In a confused welter of artistic licence, this is the classical music biopic which makes 'Song  In a confused welter of artistic licence, this is the classical music biopic which makes 'Song to Remember'look like a masterpiece. Bogarde succeeds in diminishing the reputation of the musical colossus who spanned European music for most of the 19th Century. The absurdities of the plot, the sequoia-like quality of the acting and the prevalence of historical,musical and linguistic anachronisms combine to elevate this offering to the status of an A1 turkey.How a pianist of the stature of Bolet came to be mixed up in this fiasco can only be guessed at. The characterisation of Liszt fails to convey even a minute impression of his magnetic personality and the overwhelming effect that he had on not only his audiences, but also his pianistic rivals.Clara Schumann herself said that 'we toil over that which Liszt reads at sight!' Whilst the emphasis seems to focus on his romantic prowess,rather than his status as the greatest pianist of the century or,arguably, of all time, one feels,nevertheless, that this was an opportunity lost.