

  • 剧情 喜剧 传记 
  • 丹尼·罗维拉 卡拉·埃莱哈尔德 亚历山德拉·希门内斯 大卫·贝尔达格尔 克拉拉·塞古拉 阿尔瓦·里瓦斯 布鲁诺·贝尔贡齐尼 雷卡杜·佩雷拉 曼努埃拉·库托 马克·巴拉格尔 玛丽亚·德·梅黛洛 安德斯·维伦科索 安德莉亚·特勒帕 
  • 108分钟
  • 真人真事改编,继《逆转人生》后最感人励志电影,强势问鼎西班牙「高第奖」11项大奖,荣获「高第奖」最佳男、女配角奖肯定!由《风流西班牙》哥雅奖票房巨星丹尼罗维拉催泪主演,《黑色追缉令》威尼斯影后玛丽亚德真人真事改编,继《逆转人生》后最感人励志电影,强势问鼎西班牙「高第奖」11项大奖,荣获「高第奖」最佳男、女主角奖一定!由《风流西班牙》哥雅奖票房巨星丹尼罗维拉催泪主演,《黑色追缉令》威尼斯影后玛丽亚德梅黛洛冷艳演出。  拥有完美人生与家庭的成功企业家拉蒙(丹尼罗维拉饰演) ,正等候第二个孩子的降生,此时医生却通知他罹患稀有的「多发性硬化症」(MS),并曾经末尾发病,自己很快将连100公尺的距离都走不到。  此刻的他,并没有选择坚持人生,反而决议为了行将出生的孩子成为钢铁人,努力配合化疗,并在前体育教员的岳父(卡拉埃雷贾德饰演)协助下,末尾练习铁人三项:3.8公里游泳、180公里脚踏车,以及42公里马拉松。他决计打破疾病限制,跑出自己的钢铁之路!
  • 喜剧 
  • 艾塔娜·桑切斯-希洪 丹尼·罗维拉 卡门·马奇 阿德里亚娜·奥佐雷斯 路易斯·贝尔梅霍 
  •   Carmen learns that her daughter Maria died in an accident. After a couple of days, she decides to  Carmen learns that her daughter Maria died in an accident. After a couple of days, she decides to go to her apartment for some paperwork but here she discovers that Maria was about to adopt a Vietnamese girl named Thi Mai. Carmen then decides to go to Vietnam with her friends Elvira and Rosa, although none of the three has ever left Spain in their life. During the search for Thi Mai, they will have the opportunity to experience crazy and hilarious situations caused by cultural differences. They will be accompanied by Dan, a Vietnamese guide, and Andrés, a young Spanish actor going to Hanoi to live with his partner.
  • 喜剧  爱情 电影 电影(B站) 电影(bilibili) 电影(B站专用) 
  • 克拉拉·拉戈 丹尼·罗维拉 卡勒梅·马奇 卡拉·埃雷贾德 
  • 2014年最火西班牙电影,持续维持西班牙的电影票房冠军。\r拉法,土生土长的安达卢西亚人,从来没有想过离开他心爱的塞维利亚,为了去追求他人生中最重要的东西:红酒,编发和女人。直到有一天,出现了第一个抗2014年最火西班牙电影,继续维持西班牙的电影票房冠军。\r拉法,土生土长的安达卢西亚人,历来没有想过火开他心爱的塞维利亚,为了去追求他人生中最重要的东西:红酒,编发和女人。直到有一天,出现了第一个顺从了他魅力的女人:阿玛伊娅,一个巴斯克的女人,一切的东西都改动了。拉法决议降服她,他甚至去了尤斯卡迪的一个偏远的小村庄。在那里,为了降服阿玛伊娅,他做了一切需求做的事情,甚至努力去做一个巴斯克人。
  • 动画 科幻 喜剧 家庭 动漫 欧美动漫  
  • 丹尼·罗维拉 
  • 影片讲述的是一次误打误撞中,小男孩与小伙伴登上火箭跟随宇航员来到月球。然而,登月任务并不是想象中简单,亿万富翁Richard Carson真实目的是开采月球资源。他会如愿吗,登月一行人又会经历怎么的冒险呢?影片讲述的是一次误打误撞中,小男孩与小同伴登上火箭跟随宇航员离开月球。但是,登月义务并不是想象中复杂,亿万富翁Richard Carson真实目的是开采月球资源。他会如愿吗,登月一行人又会阅历怎样的冒险呢?
  • 动作 
  • 爱德华·费尔南德斯 丹尼·罗维拉 塞尔希·洛佩斯 阿莱克斯·莫尔纳 
  • Autumn 2015. Two Spanish lifeguards, Oscar and Gerard, travel to the Greek island of Lesbos after seAutumn 2015. Two Spanish lifeguards, Oscar and Gerard, travel to the Greek island of Lesbos after seeing the heart-wrenching photograph of a little boy drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. They arrive to discover a shocking reality: thousands of people risking their lives every day by trying to cross the sea in the most precarious of vessels, fleeing from armed conflicts and other miseries in their home countries. But the thing that stands out most is that no one is doing any rescue work.                                                                    Together with Esther, Nico and other members of the team, they will fight to do the job that none of the authorities are doing and provide support to the thousands of people who so badly need it. For all involved, this first trip will turn into an odyssey, one that will change their lives forever.