

  • 科幻 
  • 凯伦·阿兰 克里斯·马尔基 威尔·霍纳夫 
  •   Karl Hochman, a technician in a computer shop, is also "The Address-Book Killer", who ob  Karl Hochman, a technician in a computer shop, is also "The Address-Book Killer", who obtains the names of his victims from stolen address-books. Terry Munroe and her son Josh come into the store to price software, and a salesman uses Terry's address-book to demonstrate a hand-held scanner. Karl obtains the file, and while driving to Terry's house that night in a heavy electrical storm, his car runs off the road and lands upside down in a cemetery. While Karl is undergoing a CAT scan at the hospital, a surge of lightning courses through the building, and Karl's mind is transformed into electrical energy. Karl uses the electrical grid and computer networks to continue his killing-spree.
  • 惊悚 恐怖 
  • 罗伯特·英格兰德 丽萨·赞恩 Shon Greenblatt Lezlie Deane 瑞奇·迪恩·洛根 布瑞金·梅耶 亚非特·科托 汤姆·阿诺德 罗西妮·巴尔 埃莉诺·多纳约 约翰尼·德普 Cassandra Rachel Friel David Dunard Marilyn Rockafellow Virginia Peters 
  • 89 分钟
  • 弗莱迪(罗伯特·英格兰德 Robert Englund 饰)将榆树街孩子残杀殆尽,只留下约翰一人,约翰在梦中重返榆树街,历经梦中的混乱后被丢弃在陌生的城镇。在“青年之家康复中心”里,一群问题少年斯宾塞弗莱迪(罗伯特·英格兰德 Robert Englund 饰)将榆树街孩子残杀殆尽,只留下约翰一人,约翰在梦中重返榆树街,历经梦中的混乱后被丢弃在生疏的城镇。在“青年之家康复中心”里,一群效果少年斯宾塞、翠西等人正接受教员玛姬(丽萨·赞恩 Lisa Zane 饰)的管理与矫正,失掉记忆的约翰也被发现后送到了这里,玛姬发现约翰和自己的梦境相关联,他们有异样的关于榆树街的记忆。为调查真相,玛姬与约翰驾车离开没有一个孩子的春木镇,而翠西等三个少年也偷偷爬上车跟来了这里。翠西等人在榆树街的老宅中遭遇了弗莱迪的梦中追杀,另一边,玛姬与约翰却发现了弗莱迪的真实身份,更惊人的是,玛姬居然是弗莱迪的女儿……