

  • 剧情 
  • 汤姆·休斯克 洛丽塔·大卫多维奇 鲍勃·霍斯金斯 
  •   The true story is of Ivan Sanchin, the KGB officer who was Stalin's private film projectionist  The true story is of Ivan Sanchin, the KGB officer who was Stalin's private film projectionist from 1939 until Stalin's death. Told from Sanchin's view, the sympathetic but tragically flawed hero, squirrel, maintains unwavering faith in his "Master" despite the arrest of his neighbors and his involvement with their daughter, his wife's affair with the chilling State Security chief Lavrentii Beria and her tragic decline, and the deadly political machinations within the Kremlin he witnesses firsthand.
  • 喜剧  犯罪 惊悚 动作 
  • 西尔维斯特·史泰龙 库尔特·拉塞尔 泰瑞·海切尔 
  • 警探探戈及加什,行动勇猛,办案搏命,在某项行动中,破获庞大白粉走私案,黑帮损失极大,于是设下圈套,令二探员成为杀人凶手,被判入狱黑帮又买通狱长,要玩残两人,两人只有逃狱。往找黑帮晦气,及找出证据证实二警探探戈及加什,举动勇猛,办案搏命,在某项举动中,破获庞大白粉走私案,黑帮损失极大,于是设下圈套,令二探员成为杀人凶手,被判入狱黑帮又打通狱长,要玩残两人,两人只要逃狱。往找黑帮倒运,及找出证据证明二人无辜!
  • 剧情 
  • 芭芭拉·赫希 吉尔·克雷伯格 普路特·泰勒·文斯 
  •   纽约记者初次探望远方的表妹,写一篇关于她在路易斯安那河湾的艰辛生活的文章。记者的女儿疯狂吸毒,只会加剧两个家庭文明之间的紧张关系。  纽约记者初次探望远方的表妹,写一篇关于她在路易斯安那河湾的艰辛生活的文章。记者的女儿疯狂吸毒,只会加剧两个家庭文明之间的紧张关系。
  • 剧情 
  • 朱莉娅·维斯托斯卡亚 弗拉迪斯拉夫·科马罗夫 
  •        聚焦曾被苏联政府隐瞒的1962年新切尔卡斯克事情,工人罢工,子弹、血肉、面前事情、一个官员兼母亲的探寻和质疑。       聚焦曾被苏联政府隐瞒的1962年新切尔卡斯克事情,工人罢工,子弹、血肉、面前事情、一个官员兼母亲的探寻和质疑。
  • 爱情 剧情 
  • 娜塔莎·金斯基 约翰·萨维奇 罗伯特·米彻姆 基思·卡拉丹 Anita Morris 巴德·库特 凯伦·杨 特雷西·尼尔森 约翰·古德曼 文森特·斯帕诺 叶莲娜·科连诺娃 
  •   故事发作于1946年,战争完毕了,伊万(约翰·萨维奇 John Savage 饰)从德军战俘营里失掉了释放,前往家乡,这里的一切都改动了。伊万不时想念着他的初爱情人玛利亚(娜塔莎·金斯基 Nast  故事发作于1946年,战争完毕了,伊万(约翰·萨维奇 John Savage 饰)从德军战俘营里失掉了释放,前往家乡,这里的一切都改动了。伊万不时想念着他的初爱情人玛利亚(娜塔莎·金斯基 Nastassja Kinski 饰),可此时的玛利亚曾经有了男友埃尔(文森特·斯帕诺 Vincent Spano 饰)。伊万并不怪玛利亚,他只是感到忧伤。  某天夜里,伊万约玛利亚出来,两人终于解开了心结互诉衷肠,之后,玛利亚甩了埃尔,同伊万携手步入了婚姻的殿堂。战争创伤后遗症令伊万无法和玛利亚做爱,这让这对新婚燕尔的小夫妻感到无比郁闷,奇异的是,当伊万离开瓦伊尼奇夫人(Anita Morris 饰)的床上时,他却又可以了。
  • 剧情 
  • 芭芭拉·赫希 吉尔·克雷伯格 
  •   New York pretentious Diana Sullivan is writing a series of articles on the theme of "family&q  New York pretentious Diana Sullivan is writing a series of articles on the theme of "family" for Cosmopolitan magazine. Primarily to keep an eye on her but also because of the personal connection, Diana invites her mid-teen daughter, Grace Sullivan, to accompany her on a trip to research the next in the series, dealing with their own family, most specifically a wing that lives deep in the backwaters of the Louisiana bayou, which has been largely overtaken by oil companies of late. They are most directly connected by brothers: Diana's grandfather Mike, and Joe, the patriarch of the Louisiana wing. Diana and Grace have never met their Louisiana relations, they in turn who do not even know that Diana and Grace exist. As difficult as it becomes, Diana and Grace are able to meet their Louisiana relations, led by Joe's widowed young wife, Ruth Sullivan, who acts as if Joe is still with them, who sees anything related to the city as suspect, and who rules her household with an iron fist to ...
  • 剧情 战争 
  • 朱莉娅·维斯托斯卡亚 维克托·苏霍卢科夫 
  • 1942年战时的欧洲,奥尔加,移民到法国的俄国贵族女人,同时是法国抵抗组织成员,被盖世太保发现她在自己公寓藏匿两名犹太儿童而被捕,她的案子被分配到盖世太保掌控下的法国警察局长朱尔斯手里,奥尔加想用身体交易换取自己的自由,然而好色又胆小的法国人还在犹豫不决,就被抵抗组织一枪送去见了上帝。1942年战时的欧洲,奥尔加,移民到法国的俄国贵族女人,同时是法国抵抗组织成员,被盖世太保发现她在自己公寓躲藏两名犹太儿童而被捕,她的案子被分配到盖世太保掌控下的法国警察局长朱尔斯手里,奥尔加想用身体买卖换取自己的自在,但是好色又害怕的法国人还在优柔寡断,就被抵抗组织一枪送去见了上帝。