

  • 记录 
  • Garnett Williams 
  •   Massive machines require engineering extremes.  The massive man-made satellite, commonly known as  Massive machines require engineering extremes.  The massive man-made satellite, commonly known as the International Space Station, hurtling around the Earth at 27,600 km an hour, has been a temporary home for humans for the last 20 years. The biggest land vehicle on earth, a bucket excavator titled Bagger 293, that can move 240,000 cubic meters of dirt each day. Innovation has always meant building bigger, faster, taller, longer and stronger than anything that came before. We’ve seen them in dramatic visual fashion. But how do these actually work? What sets each machine apart. What big ideas drove its evolution and what limitations did this machine overcome? What forces was it built to withstand and where is the breaking point? Using CGI and expert insights, we ‘strip down’ the design of some of the world’s unique colossal machines and reveal mechanical secrets that not only made them work, but also changed the world in a big way!  Each episode explores four incredible machines, linked thematically. From sea and space faring designs, to mega airborne, mining and industrial machines, we’ll break down what they can do as well as key inner mechanics and materials that make it all possible. Dynamic archival footage featuring; slow motion, aerials, and time-lapses get us past the ‘caution’ tape and up close and personal with these compound monsters. CGI provides breakouts and blueprints and a look at hidden mechanisms. Adding expertise of structural, mechanical, chemical and forensic engineers to help reveal what’s at stake when these colossal constructions are put work, and how all the pieces come together to make a big impact.  EPISODES:  S1 E1 Sea Monsters  S1 E2 Astronomical Engineering  S1 E3 There Be Dragons  S1 E4 Sub-Zero Supermachines  S1 E5 Earth Biters  S1 E6 Mammoth Manufacturing  
  • 纪录片 纪录 
  • Liza Williams 
  • 无法管控的美国青少年被送到环境恶劣的犹他州沙漠改造营。那里的条件非常残酷,而员工则更加糟糕。无法管控的美国青少年被送到环境恶劣的犹他州沙漠改造营。那里的条件十分严酷,而员工则愈加蹩脚。
  • 记录 
  • 阿莱克斯·摩根 Kristie Mewis Alyssa Thompson Savannah DeMelo Lindsey Horan Lynn Williams Megan Rapinoe Sofia Huerta 
  •   这部体育剧集将让观众全方位亲密关注美国国度女子足球队的球员和教练,并提醒这支足球史上获奖最多的球队的内情。观众将亲眼目击这些世界级运发动在为三连冠而妥协的进程中所阅历的压力、兴奋、喜悦和艰辛。随着  这部体育剧集将让观众全方位亲密关注美国国度女子足球队的球员和教练,并提醒这支足球史上获奖最多的球队的内情。观众将亲眼目击这些世界级运发动在为三连冠而妥协的进程中所阅历的压力、兴奋、喜悦和艰辛。随着故事的展开,损伤、批判和质疑、同工同酬和维护遗产等效果都浮出水面。  该剧集将捕捉一切团体和团队在通往 2023 年国际足联世界杯的路途上的预备任务。在整个竞赛进程中,观众将了解到这支球队如何站在晚辈的肩膀上,以及她们如何继续打破阻碍未来女性体育对等的有形阻碍
  • 纪录片 运动 纪录 
  • 阿莱克斯·摩根 Kristie Mewis Alyssa Thompson Savannah DeMelo Lindsey Horan Lynn Williams Megan Rapinoe Sofia Huerta 
  • 这部体育剧集将让观众全方位密切关注美国国家女子足球队的球员和教练,并揭示这支足球史上获奖最多的球队的内幕。观众将亲眼目睹这些世界级运动员在为三连冠而奋斗的过程中所经历的压力、兴奋、喜悦和艰辛。随着故事这部体育剧集将让观众全方位亲密关注美国国度女子足球队的球员和教练,并提醒这支足球史上获奖最多的球队的内情。观众将亲眼目击这些世界级运发动在为三连冠而妥协的进程中所阅历的压力、兴奋、喜悦和艰辛。随着故事的展开,损伤、批判和质疑、同工同酬和维护遗产等效果都浮出水面。  该剧集将捕捉一切团体和团队在通往 2023 年国际足联世界杯的路途上的预备任务。在整个竞赛进程中,观众将了解到这支球队如何站在晚辈的肩膀上,以及她们如何继续打破阻碍未来女性体育对等的有形阻碍
  • 科幻 
  • 罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams 吉姆·卡维泽 
  •   Alan(Robin Williams饰)是剪接师,却不是一个寻常意义上的剪接师。他担任把人死后脑袋的记忆芯片剪成一段华美的乐章,把人生里的丑恶苦痛悉数删除,用来餍足前来参与哀悼会的人。剪接师自身  Alan(Robin Williams饰)是剪接师,却不是一个寻常意义上的剪接师。他担任把人死后脑袋的记忆芯片剪成一段华美的乐章,把人生里的丑恶苦痛悉数删除,用来餍足前来参与哀悼会的人。剪接师自身不可以种植记忆芯片,Alan在调查一团体生前的事迹时,面临了这份任务的最大冲击,一个侵犯自己女儿的人,也要被剪接成为一个完美无缺的模范吗?此时他还发现童年的梦魇再现,自己曾经害死的冤家尚在人世。而曾经看过女友前男友记忆的事情又被发现,女友毅然离去。种种风云掀起,最大的惊慌却是Alan发现自己原来也被植入了记忆芯片。