

  • 记录 
  • Steven Rinella Joe Rogan 布莱恩·考伦 Remi Warren Rorke Denver Brandt Meixell Tim Ferriss 
  •   A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds t  A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
  • 记录 
  • Steven Rinella Joe Rogan 布莱恩·考伦 Remi Warren Rorke Denver Brandt Meixell Tim Ferriss 
  •   A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds t  A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
  • 记录 
  • Steven Rinella Joe Rogan 布莱恩·考伦 Remi Warren Rorke Denver Brandt Meixell Tim Ferriss 
  •   A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds t  A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
  • 记录 
  • Steven Rinella Joe Rogan 布莱恩·考伦 Remi Warren Rorke Denver Brandt Meixell Tim Ferriss 
  •   A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds t  A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
  • 记录 
  • Steven Rinella Joe Rogan 布莱恩·考伦 Remi Warren Rorke Denver Brandt Meixell Tim Ferriss 
  •   A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds t  A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
  • 记录 
  • Steven Rinella Joe Rogan 布莱恩·考伦 Remi Warren Rorke Denver Brandt Meixell Tim Ferriss 
  •   A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds t  A man travels around the vast wilderness hunting various animals. He hunts everything from birds to bears. Once the animal is bagged he demonstrates how to process the game and cook it.
  • 喜剧  吐槽 
  • 伊丽莎白·班克斯 詹姆斯·麦斯登 吉莉安·雅各布斯 萨拉·赖特 伊桑·苏普利 比尔·伯尔 肯·戴维蒂安 小拉里·吉拉德 阿方索·麦考利 达旺·麦克唐纳 埃里克·艾特巴里 奥利弗·赫斯顿 雅各布·蒂莫西·马欧 卡罗尔·曼塞尔 布莱恩·考伦 
  • 95分钟
  • 当你搞砸了好不容易得来的宝贵机会,面对排山倒海而来的挫败和失落感,你会做出怎样的应对呢?一心想成为著名主持人的梅根(伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks 饰)觉得是时候来一场喧闹而又疯狂的当你搞砸了好不容易得来的珍贵时机,面对排山倒海而来的挫败和丧失感,你会做出怎样的应对呢?一心想成为著名掌管人的梅根(伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks 饰)觉得是时分来一场喧哗而又疯狂的派对了。  在派对上,梅根遇见了名为戈登(詹姆斯·麦斯登 James Marsden 饰),两人之间暗送秋波,温度火速上升,一个充溢了浪漫和热情的夜晚就在眼前!春宵一夜事先,来自经纪人的电话将还陶醉在粉色气息之中的梅根拉回了事实,一个任务上一鸣惊人的大好时机到来了。但是,此时的梅根才发现,自己的车被拖走,钱包和一切证件全都随之而去。眼看着面试时间就要到来,能否准时出如今面试现场还是个效果的梅根可以抓住这次千载难逢的转机吗?
  • 剧情 
  • 杰昆·菲尼克斯 罗伯特·德尼罗 莎姬·贝兹 布莱恩·考伦 
  • 电影《小丑》以同名DC漫画角色为基础,由华纳兄弟影业公司发行,方案于2019年10月4日上映。本片的故事将独立于DCEU之外,故事背景设置在20世纪80年代,讲述了一位生活堕入困境的脱口秀喜剧演员渐渐电影《小丑》以同名DC漫画角色为基础,由华纳兄弟影业公司发行,方案于2019年10月4日上映。本片的故事将独立于DCEU之外,故事背景设置在20世纪80年代,讲述了一位生活堕入困境的脱口秀喜剧演员渐渐走向肉体的解体,在哥谭市末尾了疯狂的立功生涯,最终成为了蝙蝠侠的宿敌“小丑”的故事。本片由《宿醉》的导演托德菲利普斯执导,他与编剧斯科特西尔弗一同撰写了编剧。杰昆菲尼克斯本片中饰演主人公“小丑”,其他的主演包括罗伯特德尼罗、莎姬贝兹、马克马龙等。