

  • 剧情 悬疑 犯罪 美国 
  • 布莱德利·沃尔什 吉米·巴姆博 哈丽特·瓦尔特 本·丹尼尔斯 
  • Five-year-old Connor Reid is strangled and security cameras show the two little girls who baby-sit hFive-year-old Connor Reid is strangled and security cameras show the two little girls who baby-sit him, Paige and prostitute's daughter Rose, take him into the empty flat where his corpse was found. In interview Paige breaks down and names Rose as the killer, though, in court, Rose's brief Kim Sharkey invites the court to accept Paige as the guilty party and forensics seem to i...
  • 剧情 悬疑 犯罪 美国 
  • 布莱德利·沃尔什 吉米·巴姆博 哈丽特·瓦尔特 Dominic Rowan 
  • Natalie Chandler's friend hospital sister Logan reports suspected foul play following several deNatalie Chandler's friend hospital sister Logan reports suspected foul play following several deaths on her A and E ward,the last being when a young girl was given a fatal dose of prescription drugs. Chief suspect young Dr. Grant proves to be an unqualified impostor but he implicates elderly,pain-killer addicted colleague Dr. Austen,who was in charge when the other patients die...
  • 剧情 悬疑 犯罪 美国 
  • 布莱德利·沃尔什 保罗·尼科尔斯 哈丽特·瓦尔特 Dominic Rowan 
  • New partner Sam Casey joins a grieving Ronnie to find out who shot Matt dead. Sam suspects an accompNew partner Sam Casey joins a grieving Ronnie to find out who shot Matt dead. Sam suspects an accomplice of the recently convicted Mark Ellis but the trail ultimately leads to Jamaal Clarkson,a youngster whose brother Kieran was murdered in 2003,though the police closed the case as a suicide. Jamaal believes they were not interested as Kieran was black and tells Ronnie he knows...
  • 剧情 爱情 悬疑 战争 
  • 詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 西尔莎·罗南 凯拉·奈特莉 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 布兰达·布莱斯 哈丽特·瓦尔特 朱诺·坦普尔 阿尔菲·艾伦 帕特里克·肯尼迪 彼得·怀特 瓦妮莎·雷德格雷夫 萝玛拉·嘉瑞 
  • 123分钟
  • 本片主要讲述了一对感情破裂、婚姻即将走向尽头的夫妻涣喜和乐丽,通过一次所谓的“赎罪旅行”以及途中所经历的种种事件之后,并最终化解矛盾、破镜重圆的故事故事线索明确,人物关系复杂,以涣喜和乐丽这对准离婚夫1935年夏天,来自一个宽裕的英国小康家庭的13岁的少女布里奥妮(斯奥里兹?罗南 饰)刚刚末尾尝试写作,想象力丰厚。一天,她暗中发现仆人的儿子——罗比?特纳(詹姆斯?迈克沃伊 饰)和她姐姐塞西利亚(凯特?奈特莉 饰)之间有暧昧关系,而且发现他给她写了一封充溢情色意味的情书。布里奥妮丰厚的想象力虚拟着各种可怕的事情,浮想联翩。当她的表姐罗拉被强奸后,布里奥妮相当一定她看到是罗比做的,这次指证使罗比蒙冤入狱,留下伤心欲绝的塞西利亚。  第二次世界大战迸发了,出狱后的罗比和塞西利亚都投入了捍卫祖国的战役,布利奥妮坚持到剑桥升学成为一名军队医务人员。没有人能了解她的做法,只要她知道她怀揣着庞大的秘密和自责。她鼓起勇气,想把这秘密解开,能真正赎罪和失掉宽恕。但是,世事幻变,出乎布利奥妮的预算。