

  • 剧情 
  • 丹尼尔·萨夫雷 杰克逊·戴维斯 弗兰西娅·莱莎 Christina Elmore Kevin G. Cox Jesse Gabbard 
  •   The morning after Trudy, a law school student, unsuspectingly steps into what she believes to be a  The morning after Trudy, a law school student, unsuspectingly steps into what she believes to be a "NetCar" black sedan, she wakes up confused and alone in a seedy motel-the victim of a roofie and sexual assault. Frustrated by the slow pace of the justice system, she takes matters into her own hands. Becoming NetCar driver herself, Trudy goes on a crusade to find and stop the serial rapist to whom she fell victim.
  • 动作 
  • Tom Benedict Knight 西蒙·菲利普斯 Christina Bellavia 
  • 82分钟
  • 一伙冷酷无情的蒙面恐怖分子因为某种原因而绑架挟持了英国首相的女儿,并在一个地下停车场构建防御工事、设置装置炸药。为了解救女儿,于是,一个训练有素的特种部队——SAS被派出,他们必须逐层对这栋建筑进行排一伙冷漠无情的蒙面恐惧分子由于某种缘由而绑架挟持了英国首相的女儿,并在一个地下停车场构建进攻工事、设置装置炸药。为了挽救女儿,于是,一个训练有素的特种部队——SAS被派出,他们必需逐层对这栋修建停止排查,逐一肃清能够发作未知的风险,并且成功的平安挽救人质。