

  • 剧情 动作 科幻 惊悚 
  • 杰森·斯坦森 琼·艾伦 伊恩·麦柯肖恩 泰瑞斯·吉布森 娜塔丽·马丁内兹 
  • 2012年,美国经济状况恶化,犯罪率剧增,已逐步私人化的监狱为谋取暴利不择手段,于是“死亡飞车”比赛应运而生。昔日优秀的赛车手弗兰克(JasonStatham饰)在工厂里参与了一场工人抗议,结果当天夜2012年,美国经济状况好转,立功率剧增,已逐渐公家化的监狱为谋取暴利不择手腕,于是“死亡飞车”竞赛应运而生。昔日优秀的赛车手弗兰克(JasonStatham饰)在工厂里参与了一场工人抗议,结果当天夜里,有人潜入他的家中,杀害了他的妻子,弗兰克却被当做凶手蒙冤入狱。监狱长、死亡飞车竞赛的组织者轩尼诗(JoanAllen饰)要求弗兰克顶替身死的蒙面赛车手迷信怪人,并许愿只需弗兰克以迷信怪人的身份再赢一场,他即可取得自在。弗兰克与领航员凯丝(NatalieMartinez饰)进入了这场驾驶改卸车并随时会遭遇死亡的疯狂游戏,怎奈他心猿意马的状况下班师不利,弗兰克面临轩尼诗的要挟与陷害,不得不放手一搏……
  • 恐怖 
  • 艾伦·里奇 尼娜·伯格曼 Yan Tual 
  •   David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from h  David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young diner waitress from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving, he hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard. One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside a ravine, in the eye of the storm. But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outside. How will he survive?